The equity release calculator

Want to know how much equity you can release? Our calculator is quick and easy to use. Results are instant, there’s no obligation to proceed and you receive a free equity release guide.

How much equity can I release from my home?

The amount of equity you can release from your home is usually between 20% to 60% of the property’s value. The percentage you can borrow or ‘loan to value’ (LTV) as it’s known will depend on several factors, such as your age and the value of your home.

For example, on a property worth £350,000, the maximum amount a 55 year old could release is around 26% of its value, whereas a 65 year old could release up to 37%.

An equity release calculator can be a great place to start if you want to know how much money you could get however, as I explain below, other factors such as the state of your health and your property may impact the maximum amount you can release.

What impacts the amount of equity you can release?

A lender needs to assess three core things in order to decide how much equity they will allow you to release: your age, the state of your health and your property. Basically, they want to understand the risk, be assured that the property will sell when the time comes and gauge how long it will be until the loan is repaid.

In simple terms, the greater the risk to the lender, the less they will allow you to borrow.

Your age – the maximum percentage you can release will be based on the age of the youngest homeowner. Typically, the older you are, the more equity you can release.

Your health – if you have any underlying health conditions, you may qualify for a higher loan to value with medically enhanced equity release. Basically, if a lender thinks you will live a shorter than average life, they will treat you as an older person. This means you will qualify for a higher percentage of equity release. 

Your property – the higher the property value, the more you can borrow. Also, some lenders may offer a higher loan to value on houses rather than flats and the property must be of standard construction. In addition, the condition of your property is important to the lender too, as they want to be certain your property will sell to repay the loan.

Some lenders may offer slightly less cash for joint applications versus single applicants. However, I suggest that if you do have a spouse or partner living at the property, you still consider opting for a joint scheme - this why speaking to an adviser and getting advice is so important.

What is the maximum equity you can release?

The maximum equity you can release is up to 60% of the property value* however the majority of homeowners typically borrow less, leaving funds in reserve to drawdown as and when they are needed.

Here are some examples of how much money you could release based on your age and property value.

*If you're viewing this page on a mobile phone, scroll right to see the full table.

Examples of how much equity you could release
Property value > £150,000 £200,000 £300,000 £400,000 £500,000 £1,000,000
Over 55 £38,580 £51,440 £77,160 £102,880 £128,600 £257,2000
Over 60 £46,920 £62,560 £93,840 £125,120 £156,400 £312,8000
Over 65 £54,440 £73,920 £110,880 £147,840 £184,800 £369,600
Over 70 £63,150 £84,200 £126,300 £168,400 £210,500 £421,000
Over 75 £72,450 £96,600 £144,900 £193,200 £241,500 £415,000
Over 80 £69,750 £93,000 £139,500 £186,000 £232,500 £483,000
Up to 84 £79,545 £106,060 £159,090 £212,120 £165,150 £530,300
These figures are a guide, as at 14th January 2025; use the online calculator to obtain a personalised illustration.  

Can I release more money if I already have equity release?

If you already have equity release but need additional funds, you may still be able to release more money. You would need to check with your current lender and I would also suggest talking to an independent advisor or broker, as they may be able to offer you a better plan.

Be careful though as switching to a new lifetime mortgage might incur early repayment charges, so make sure you understand all the implications first.

You also may want to consider a drawdown lifetime mortgage as this option provides an initial sum of money and holds a pot of cash in reserve that you can use for future borrowing.

Will there be any money left for my family to inherit?

Whether there is any money left in your property to leave as an inheritance will depend on the size of the loan when you die versus the value of your property. The longer the loan is in place, the more you will owe, however you can make repayments against the interest if you want to keep the overall cost down.

The good news is that because of the Equity Release Council’s negative equity guarantee, your estate will never owe more than the value of your property. And if you are keen to leave a legacy for loved ones, you could consider a plan that offers inheritance protection.

Next steps

If you want to see how much equity you could release from your home, try our free calculator.

We work in association with Age Partnership, an equity release specialist who compares lifetime mortgage interest rates and products from a selection of the UK’s leading providers. They provide initial advice for free and without obligation. Only if you choose to proceed and your application is completed would a fee be payable - which can usually be taken from the cash sum

How much equity could you release from your home?

Please note

This is a lifetime mortgage. To understand the features and risks, ask for a personalised illustration.
You only continue to own your own home with a lifetime mortgage which is secured against your property
All deals subject to eligibilty.

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We work with

First Choice Health
Age Partnership

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